Wednesday, March 17, 2010

keris Sulawesi (1)

overall length : 29 Cm
Length blade/bilah : 21 Cm
Length of handle : 8 Cm curve model
Type of wood : Bira wood
Type of handle : Ekor Lebah (Hornet's tail)
Pamor / motive : un-identify (it could be pamor Rante)
non accessory : Selut, Mendak (ring on pesi), Pendok (metal cover of warangka)

Selayang pandang :
Secara garis besar sudah menjadi perbendaharaan umum. Bahwa khazanah keris etnis Samawa (Sambaha..ujar komunal etnis sulawesi keturunan) maupun etnis Mbojo (Bima) masih satu afiliasi dengan pakem keris Sulawesi. Bahkan memang masih terkait dengan sejarah kubu afiliasi kekuatan kerajaan Gowa di Sulawesi.
Berikut adalah keris berpenampilan polos. Coklat legam. Tipikal keris ageman/sikep. Dari semua bangun keris menyatukan tiga bahan unsur alam yaitu Besi, Kayu, (bira & jenis kayu lain pada gandar) dan Tanduk. Sederhana tapi penampilan memikat. Bilah kusam..tampak ter-erosi masa (aging). Ditilik dari jejak sisa pamor seperti gaya pamor rante (link of Chains). Keris ukuran sedang seperti ini kalau di masyarakat bima disebut Saronggi.

At a glance :
Like all references said, the style of keris in Samawa etnic group & Mbojo etnic group related on similarity with perfomance of Sulawesi's kris. Both are regions in Sumbawa island. Even, it's has relevancy with historical alliance the power of Gowa's kingdom in Sulawesi.
This item is a simply kris. Brownish nebula. Typically as traditional weapon for war purpose. The circumstance of it's structure is symbolized triple element of natural harmony. They are a metal, wood, and horn of buffalo. Although a simple model but also amazing one. the Blade is very a result only using the ironic material. If we track the resting motive of blade, it look like a pamor "Rante" = links of chains. It's a very vintage iconic... decreasing with... time goes by. This is a medium format, mbojo etnic group always called as a Saronggi.

* the base cover blade have a unique shape. local said "Angkup". Some said it symbolized with pinishi body-shape (sulawesi traditional-ship). Not just existancy but also as imaginary of life's philosophy... way of life means voyages, destiny value.

* the handle curve-shape. it named tail of Hornet.
it conclusion of blade effect if someone get injured. Like Ali's statement
"stinging like a passing by"

tip toe part of scabbard, buffalo's color.

see the dull motive on the blade... chains model.

focuss on foothold...

vertical stand balancing

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